Eyecatcher. Stand out uniquely. 10 tips and ideas

Eyecatcher definition:

According to the definition, an eye-catcher is a very visually striking and fascinating element.

An eye-catcher entices the viewer, e.g. at a trade fair stand, an event, at the POS, in a museum, etc., to stop and look at or interact with the so-called eye-catcher, conveys product information and facilitates the start of a conversation with the customer.

An eye-catcher must be innovative.

An innovative eye-catcher is characterized by several points.
– The newer the eye catcher, the higher the degree of attention from customers
– The less this has been seen at trade fairs and events or in retail, the greater the eye-catching effect for the customer
– The more senses of the customer are addressed simultaneously, the stronger the effect
A particularly good example of this is holography or holographic displays – probably the most innovative eye-catchers currently on the market.

Multitouch tables, multitouch steles and multitouch terminals are also among the innovative eye-catchers. With these devices, customers are already very familiar with the handling through learned smartphone or tablet use.

The 6 – 3 – 1 rule for eye-catchers.

There is a simple rule for eye-catchers. The 6 – 3 – 1 rule.
This states: A good eye catcher must be based on
– 6 meters – achieve long distance effect
– 3 meter – give overview
– 1 meter – convey product information
The customer is guided from a distance attentively and step by step to the actual product.

Unique effects enhance the WOW moment of the eye-catcher

Generating a unique effect is probably easier said than done. Often the motto here is, “Bigger is better and more helps more.”

It is better to think carefully about how an effect can look like, where the customer stops and experiences exactly this WOW effect.

At the moment, everyone is talking about 3D and virtual reality (VR). Since the customer can experience something completely new here and dive into a virtual world. In the VR area, products can be staged three-dimensionally in a completely new way. Automakers, for example, use virtual reality to show new vehicle interiors, brand owners enable tours of stores and flagship outlets, and industrial equipment manufacturers demonstrate large-scale modern facilities in a small footprint.

VR is a great way to advise clients who are already on the stand, already talking to a consultant, or who are extremely open to new things.

However, virtual reality is less suitable as an eye-catcher according to the 6-3-1 rule. Because of the required glasses and the lack of distance effect, the customer does not know what to expect. In addition, the virtual world cannot be experienced together, since only the person who has put on the VR glasses is immersed in the virtual world.

And this is exactly where the holography comes into play as an eye-catcher. Holography creates exactly this bridge and combines the advantages of VR with remote effect, emotional product staging and community feeling. As no additional 3D glasses are needed for the holography and the holograms are directly visible for all visitors and guests.

You can find an example of the effect here.

Why is a hologram so fascinating as an eye-catcher?

Holograms are new, innovative and known to most only from Hollywood movies. However, these are already a reality today and in a particularly impressive way. The discrepancy between what the eye sees and what the mind is aware of creates the eye-catching effect and at the same time generates an above-average attention span, which is especially ingenious for anchoring product information or for image building. For although the eye perceives an apparently real object or effect, such as fire, the brain knows that what it sees cannot be real. And exactly this effect automatically generates a long attention of the viewer, so that holograms with a running time of 2-3 minutes are completely seen by up to 80% of the viewers – an eye effect that can hardly be achieved with a classical film on a monitor.

Quite apart from that, a hologram is extremely appealing and therefore not only excellently suited for the presentation of complex technical correlations, but also particularly predestined for the presentation of high-quality products such as jewelry, perfumes and visually similarly appealing goods. The holographic staging allows to further emphasize the beauty, perfection and value of the products. Thus, even the presentation is a sensory experience in itself.

For which industries are eye-catchers particularly important?

Eyecatchers are suitable for almost all industries. Whether industry, mechanical engineering, pharmaceuticals, medical technology, food, telecommunications, automotive or classic service sectors – there are virtually no limits to the possibilities. The more the product features are not visible at first sight, the more important a good eye-catcher is, because it gives you the time to start a conversation with the customer or to make the product features directly understandable via the eye-catcher. Products, processes and procedures that require explanation benefit just as much as classic products that need to be presented in an innovative way.

When an eye-catcher is needed – the hologram is the suitable customer magnet.

No matter which industry, no matter which product, it is important that an individual eye-catcher is developed for each customer according to the briefing, which fits exactly to the customer, the target group and the environment. This guarantees attention, arouses the interest of potential customers and binds existing customers.

Does an eye-catcher pay off?

The question is always what a new customer, a new contact costs or how big is the margin in the sale of the product. Fact is, even if good eye-catchers such as hologram projections, multi-touch terminals or large touch displays are often expensive, they often pay for themselves faster than a conventional eye-catcher such as a large display or the 100th monitor due to the higher customer response.

What successes can be achieved through the use of extraordinary eye-catchers?

The feedback regarding the successful use of Eyecatchers is very diverse. The following points are frequently mentioned by customers:
Significant increase in lead generation
Easy call entry for the sales department
Longer dwell times on the exhibition stand
Higher sales at the POS or in food retailing
High attention span of 2-3 minutes
– Long lasting memory value, far beyond the presentation
Positive image building as an innovative company
High multiplier effect
Positive customer feedback “…I didn’t expect that from you at all…, …that’s awesome…, …the first time I understood it completely…”

Innovative eye-catchers convince with numerous advantages that promise companies a clear advantage over their competitors and clearly distinguish the products from those of the competition. Innovative eye-catchers attract the immediate attention of potential customers, so that presented products are permanently anchored in the viewer’s memory. They also provide more contacts, make it easier to start conversations and guarantee better lead generation.

“Taking the time to find a good eye-catcher pays off – the success and positive feedback from customers speaks for itself.

Give us a call

We are happily looking forward to hearing from you!

Matthias Mangold

Phone: +49 6132 899 04 210
E-mail: m.mangold@magic-holo.com

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