3D animation

All possibilities at a glance

High-quality three-dimensional animations inspire more and more people and fascinate us at Magic Holo so much that we have specialized in creating them.

For years we have been creating professional 3D animations for our clients, completely tailored to their needs.

For all those who are interested, we would like to answer the most important questions on this topic here, including the steps in the creation, costs and advantages of 3D animations.

If you need further information, please feel free to write to us or just give us a quick call.

Matthias Mangold

Head of Innovation Magic Holo

Fascinating USP’S of 3D Animation

The workflow to perfect 3D animation
For which industries do we create 3D animations?
How much does a 3D animation cost?
Advantages of 3D animations
What are 3D animations used for?
What is 3D animation?

SPECIAL 3D Animation –

No matter what products or services you offer: With 3D animations from Magic Holo you impress your customers.

Creative. Unique. Professional. By using special animation software, depending on the type of animation, we can not only convincingly recreate reality in virtual space, but also, for example, depict modes of action or bring things to life that would be impossible in reality.

We create virtual worlds specifically tailored to the respective products, applications or the desired purpose. From medical 3D animations to technical animations, to holographic 3D conversions.

Services, production processes, functionalities of machines, chemical processes or 3D animations for classic marketing and sales are part of our core competence.


Ideal for highlight presentations, attracts a high degree of attention
Particularly suitable for products, processes, and procedures that need a lot of explanation
Easily understandable, striking, and highly innovative method of presentation
Customers understand product benefits within a few seconds
Differentiation from the competition, easier marketing of own products
Versatile: trade shows, website, newsletter, product presentations, social media.
Surprise moment and long-lasting memory value with customers
Daniel Dietrich

Phone +49 6132 899 04 217
E-mail: d.dietrich@magic-holo.com


Create 3D animation.
Creative. Professional. Unique.

How does the creative process work?
What are the typical work steps?
What is the procedure?

With Magic Holo, 3D animations are created in several steps that build on each other in terms of content. We have briefly and clearly outlined the path to individual 3D animation for you.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss initial ideas, just call anytime. We look forward to a personal conversation with you!


5 Schritte zur perfekten 3D Visualisierung.

Great 3D animations always have their origin in a precise briefing. This gives everyone involved a precise idea of the object that is to be the focus of the animation. This can be a product, a service or a specific process.

The briefing also addresses other things that are important for the project. These are mainly the message to be conveyed, unique selling points to be addressed or the use of 3D animation.


Before you write us a comprehensive briefing – feel free to give us a quick call first at 06132/89904-217. Then we talk through ideas with you and can already answer many questions – this is often much faster.

Based on the briefing, our creatives develop the ideas in dialogue with the client and according to his wishes. The main focus here is on the visual design of the three-dimensional animations.

The spectrum ranges from the type of effects to the design of backgrounds and environments. It is important that each element matches the object that is the focus of the animation.

We use the storyboard specifically as a concretization of the briefing. It not only describes important scenes of the animations, but also outlines them visually. Here, too, there is close coordination with the client.

3D visual design is the core of our work. At the beginning there is either the construction of 3D models or photorealistic texturing based on CAD data, which is usually provided by the customer.

The key here is to convincingly animate the product and put it in the perfect light.

With the help of high-performance 3D programming, experienced motion designers, great effects and impressive computing power, the objects finally come to life.

If you want to know how important sound is as an accompaniment to moving images, you should watch a movie once completely without sound.

Professionally created sounds not only appropriately accompany 3D animations, but also increase their impact by appealing to the viewer on another level. For the best possible results, we employ experienced sound artists to create music and sounds that complement the images perfectly.

When the auditory and visual levels harmonize optimally, 3D animations can unfold their full effect. That’s why sound and motion designers fine-tune their work.

By underlaying the animated images with music and sound effects, a multi-sensory work is created that appeals to and convinces viewers on several levels at once.

Finish and quality control

Three-dimensional animations only fully unfold their magical effect on the viewer when they are truly perfect and create a wow effect.

That’s why in this last step we meticulously check the interaction of all the individual effects and make minor adjustments if necessary. This way we can guarantee our customers the best possible quality.

Understanding products. Bringing USPs to life.

3D animations for different areas.
All special and unique.

What do you need your animation for?

Marketing and sales


Product development and industry


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare


Poduct presentations


Fairs and events


More convincing performances


From storyboard to final film


Price 3D Animation

Was kostet die Erstellung einer 3D Animation, wenn Sie uns damit beauftragen?

The question of the costs of a 3D animation cannot be answered universally. This is due to the abundance of factors that can influence the price. In any case, the number of frames is important.
This depends not only on the length of the animation, but also on the quality level. We generally advise customers not to use less than 25 frames per second, as the professional impression suffers. UHD or 4K with up to 60 frames per second increases the costs of a 3D animation, but is visually particularly impressive.
The desired image size also has an influence on the costs, since this directly determines the necessary calculation time per image.
It is best to contact us if you are interested in 3D animations – then we will be happy to create a suitable offer for you.

We advise you professionally and show you – based on our know-how and many years of experience in the field of 3D animations – the various possibilities to create appealing animations at a reasonable price.
Of course, we are also your perfect contact for complex and absolute high-quality three-dimensional animations in the premium sector.

Matthias Mangold

Phone: +49 6132 899 04 210
E-mail: m.mangold@magic-holo.com

Agency 3D Animation. ASK US.

Hat unsere Agentur für 3D Animation Ihr Interesse geweckt?

Do you have any questions or would you like to place an order for us to create a 3D animation tailored to your needs?
Then please contact us without obligation. We will be happy to advise you on the various possibilities and costs of 3D animation. No matter if you want an emotional, artistic or technical 3D animation and if you have a tight or big budget:
Magic Holo is always an excellent choice as an agency for 3D animation.

Inspire your customers now!

Wir beraten Sie welches Holographie-System am besten zu Ihren Ideen und Produkten passt!

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3D Animation Software

Welche Software/Hardware nutzen wir, um eine 3D Animation zu erstellen?

Basically, powerful computers, render farms, special software and creative experts are needed to create 3D animations.
The hardware is responsible for calculating every single image down to the smallest detail – experts refer to this as rendering.
How long this takes depends not only on the level of detail of the images and the performance of the hardware, but also on the number of images to be calculated.
The software required is 3D animation software, of which there is now a considerable selection on the market. Many of them cost several thousand euros – sometimes even per year.
At Magic Holo, we work primarily with the professional animation software Cinema 4D, which is a perfect all-rounder for us to convincingly bring objects to life. For special tasks – such as the realistic animation of liquids, smoke or complex surfaces – we also use additional animation programs.
However, in order for the combination of hardware and software to produce a convincing animation, professional animators are needed. At Magic Holo, we employ a variety of creative and experienced animation professionals who come from different backgrounds in 3D animation. In this way, we can guarantee our customers optimal results.

Advantage 3D animation

What are the advantages of Magic Holo 3D animation?

There are many good reasons to rely on animation in general and three-dimensional animation in particular. We would like to briefly summarize the most important advantages of 3D animations.

Benefit from perfect quality and
maximum safety

When you choose an animation from us, you get perfect quality made in Germany. At our headquarters in Ingelheim near Mainz, we have bundled all human and technical resources.
Because we finish all animations here 100 percent ourselves, we can guarantee the best possible quality. In addition, sensitive data of our customers is protected to the highest degree.

Surprise your customers and present yourself innovatively

Today, more and more offers are competing for the attention of viewers. If you really want to leave a lasting impression here, you have to show something special. This is exactly what is possible with our professional 3D animations, which ensure a lasting impression.
This quickly turns viewers into prospects and prospects into customers. In doing so, the innovative presentation also radiates positively on your products and services as well as your company.

Provide complex information and
technical correlations are presented in a simple way

Complex information – in the field of technology, for example – is often difficult to convey through text and simple images alone. A technical 3D animation offers the perfect way to illustrate this.
For example, you can visually represent all components of a complex product with absolute precision. In addition, technical 3D animation makes it very easy to illustrate even complex processes.

Win new customers through an emotional appeal

The 3D animations we create are not only convincing in terms of information, but also in terms of emotion. Because with probably no other technology is it possible to charge and connect your product or company so strongly with emotions. Because we always optimally match the 3D animations to the object of the order, we also appeal to viewers on an emotional level and thus convince them in several respects.
This allows us to present high-quality jewelry against an impressive backdrop of gold and stars, making jewelry look even more radiant and high-end. Or we show how a product defies firestorms and floods of water to visually emphasize its resilience and durability. There are practically no limits to the possibilities.

Definition 3D Definition 3D Animation

What is 3D animation anyway?

The meaning of the composite 3D Animation can be well derived from the individual terms.
While the word animation refers to the Latin verb animare, which translates best as “to bring to life,” 3D, as we know, is shorthand for the three dimensions – namely length, width and height – that shape our visual perception.
Accordingly, a 3D animation is basically the movement of objects in three-dimensional space.
The illusion of movement that seemingly brings objects to life is created by multiple frames, similar to the medium of film. At the same time, each image differs only marginally from its predecessor. In order for the human eye to interpret the individual images as motion, a certain minimum number of images is required.
The current quasi-standard for professional animation in 3D is 25 or 30 frames per second and is also known as Full HD.
If you really want to impress viewers visually, you’ll want to go for Ultra HD or 4K. This requires 50 or even 60 individual frames per second.

Inspire your customers now!

We will advise you which holography system best suits your ideas and products!

Or call us:

+49 6132 4220 660

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